Illus - May 2018
Small press : Orange errance - Épox & Botox
“Orange Wandering “: From the theme to the title, Volume 2.
An exquisite corpse, unexpected and improvised composition of his graphic and textual interpretations.
Orange Wandering is a story with a wandering mood. A fruit to peel to infinity.
Volume 2 of the Spectrôm collection [series of collective works of the EpOx and BoTOx editions] follows the volume of the past year: “Rouge Bruit”.
36 new artists answered the theme of the same name -Orange Errance- by producing a visual accompanied by one or two lines of text, such as a legend.
In the manner of an exquisite corpse, the images were associated in the book according to these bits of sentence, in order to create a surrealist story.