Expos - October 2023

Exhibition : CosmoBib#2 at Cosmopolis

From October 12 to 29, Sterput artists were invited by BiB to exhibit at Cosmopolis as part of the Bib Festival in Nantes, France.

► Salon : FESTiVAL BiB #3 – Bonne Impression à Bitche
► Expo : COSMOBiB#2 Expo, Focus STERPUT Bruxelles/Verni.le12/18H30
With : Piet Ducongo, Jen Crab, Vincent Wagnair, KKR, Silio Durt, Bryan Beast, Noémie barsolle, Boris Pramatarov, Sophie Ung, Eléonore & Kenny, Mona Margot, Delphine Somers, Rebecca Rosen, Deborah Lothe.

More info about this event.


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